A sexy comedy

Chicago Premiere, Theatre Witt November 15th, 2011
"A lot of it plays like outtakes from HBO’s “Taxicab Confessions” or a Kim Kardashian highlight reel. Schlosser and Slonim perfectly capture competing good time girls throwing everything to the wind: There’s something almost exhilarating about their bawdy abandon..." we are as transparent as the glass table and chairs we are sitting on ..." Chicago theater Beat
“We are prettier than most, more intelligent than average, we love sex. What the "f***k" is wrong with Chicago?"
Two dateless girlfriends find themselves marooned at the bar of yet another wedding party. In an almost stand up comedic way, boldly and honestly they reminisce about their escapades and disappointments, their near-sex experiences, and sink-into-the-ground moments and disasters.
Even though they won’t find the man of their lives this evening, you will have plenty to gloat about.
For sure, you’ll hear the latest and hottest gossip in town. You too will party-crash the wedding reception, have a dance or two and taste some Belgian beer.
And who knows YOU might even find someone to take home after the show!
"Noemi Schlosser's flip, semi-improvised contemporary comedy about oversexed thirtysomethings” Theater Reader
In co-production with ShPiel, Theater of Identity, Chicago with special thanks to David Chack.
With the support of the Flemish Government and Orange Skin, Chicago and Theatre Wit.
Concept Noémi Schlosser
With Noémi Schlosser, Michelle Slonim,
Josh Odor / Brandon Galatz
Stage managers Eli Taylor, Kelsey Jorissen